Jia Shi

Piano teaching studio serving the greater Boston Massachusetts area and international piano community through in person and online lessons
-in person or online piano lessons for all ages
-seasonal studio piano recital opportunities
-competition opportunities and preparation
施珈,旅美青年钢琴家,美国新英格兰钢琴协会国际比赛主席,全球艺术交流协会创始人,美国曼哈顿森美艺术节特邀钢琴家,全球华人艺术家协会理事,三藩市音乐学院音乐节常驻艺术指导,麻省Cape Cod市荣誉艺术家,斯坦威钢琴杰出教育家。
作为活跃在世界各地的演奏家,施珈曾多次受邀在北美,欧洲及亚洲各大著名音乐厅表演。2011年,施珈成为马萨诸塞州Yamouth市常驻钢琴演奏家。2012年与钢琴大师巴巴杨在意大利 佩鲁贾合作肖斯塔科维奇协奏曲,大获成功,Sergei Babayan对其艺术造诣更是赞美有加。美国权威钢琴教授Gabriel Chodos称赞其对舒伯特作品的演奏“细腻,深邃,音色变化莫测,是真正的音乐家”。
施珈享有丰富的教学经验,擅长因材施教,能最大限度的挖掘学生的潜力。在过去的十四年,她的教学方法被各个年龄段的学生及专业人士所认可,并与美国数所一流音乐学院有长期合作关系,向茱莉亚音乐学院, 新英格兰音乐学院,曼哈顿音乐学院,曼尼斯音乐学院,隆基音乐学院,波士顿音乐学院,波士顿大学及胡桃山艺术高中等学校输送大量音乐人才并有多名学生在各类国际比赛中获奖。她被评选为斯坦威顶级导师。2017至2020年一月,多名学生参选国际钢琴比赛,得到评委会的青睐,特获邀纽约卡内基大厅演出。
Jia Shi, pianist, embarked on a teaching career in the Boston region, was born into a musical family in Guangzhou. She was strongly influenced by her grandfather, Mingxin Shi, a renowned conductor there. Her talent was evident at an early age, and she received much of her beginning piano instruction from her grandfather. Ms. Shi’s many competition awards include the Sendai Piano Competition in Japan, the Kaiserburg Competition in China, the Horowitz Piano competition in Kiev, Ukraine, and in 2005 the National Haiziman Piano Competition in China, where she won First Prize and recognition for Best Performance. Her musical education includes several scholarships for undergraduate and graduate studies, four years of study for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing under world renowned professor Zhihong Guo. Ms. Shi furthered her study with international soloist Alexander Korsantia at the New England Conservatory, where she earned a second Master’s Degree in Piano Performance. Ms. Shi teaches at several Boston schools and at the New England Conservatory as well as teaching assistant to Mr. Korsantia, her students are undergraduates and non-piano majors. She recently performed publicly with him at one of a concert series on Cape Cod featuring New England Conservatory performers. Ms. Shi has performed across the United States and in both China and Europe, featuring in such venues as Jordan Hall, Tanglewood Music Theater in Massachusetts; Steinway Hall in New York; Basilica di San Pietro, Sala Dei Notari in Perugia; the Colegiata de San Juan Bautista, Centro Municipal Integrado de Pumarín Gijón Sur in Spain; Beijing Concert Hall, Xinghai Concert Hall, HongKong Academy for Performing Arts in China.
In addition to her performing career, Ms. Shi is coaching for pianists of all ages and stages. Many have gone on to music conservatories. Ms. Shi participates in production of the Boston Modern Orchestra’s concerts as well as various competitions, here and in China. Ms. Shi is the Executive Director of New England Young Artist Cultural Exchange Association, and successfully organize international piano programs with Boston University in Tanglewood since 2016; She serves as the Chairperson of Hamlet Davidson Piano Competition; on the Board of the Directors at the Universal Artists Festival, as well as on the Executive Committee of the Massachusetts Music Teachers Association. Currently, Ms. Shi has joined the Board of the New England Piano Teachers’ Association; and the director of Global Outstanding Chinese Artist Association. Ms. Shi has also been invited to serve as the Artist Faculty at San Francisco Conservatory Music’s Piano Festival; Piano Faculty at both Dana Hall School of Music and Concord Conservatory.